W.B. Konkle Library

- Become a Member! Membership contributions make up over half of the Friends’ annual revenue and play a major role in our ability to fund special requests from the Library.
- Donate books, audio books, DVDs and music CDs and Jigsaw Puzzles, you no longer need for resale in our bookstore and at spring and fall public book sales – our major fund raisers. (No moldy oldies please, since we cannot resell them.)
- Purchase books, DVDs and/or music CDs and Jigsaw Puzzles at our numerous book sales.
- Spread the word – tell friends/relatives/co-workers about our Book Sales.
- Volunteer at the used book room, book sales, sorting area and Fall Festival Fundraising event.
The following list provides information on some of the programs and services the Friends have supported in the last 3 years. As you can see, the money from your membership and donations is used wisely!
- Purchase of large print books to the Library’s collection.
- Funds used toward the purchase of DVD’s.
- Funds used toward the purchase of Summer, Fall and Spring Reading Program supplies.
Do you have used books or other donations?
The Library and its associated Friends of the Library organizations welcome donations. If you have further questions regarding donating materials, please contact the library at 570-368-1840.
If you purchased a copy of the latest bestseller and you’re finished reading it, please consider donating it to your Community Library. Help your neighbors by helping your Library meet the demand for the latest titles. Thank you!
The mission of the Friends of the Library is to assist the Konkle Library by funding materials, programs, and services beyond the Library’s regular budget, encourage volunteer service, promote the value of the Library to the citizens of Lycoming County, and advocate support of the Library.
To become a member of the Friends fill out the form below, print and mail (or drop off) the completed form to the library at:
Dr. W. B. Konkle Memorial Library
384 Broad Street
Montoursville, PA 17754
January 2023 W.B. Konkle Friends Appeal
The Konkle Library Friends of Montoursville launched its 2023 appeal and working hard to support the local library and its patrons. This annual campaign supports the purchase of large print books, DVD’s, magazine subscriptions and many more items for patrons to borrow as a Library Card Holder.
Your annual contribution also supports the summer reading program for over 150 children and the fall and spring story times that serve over 25 children each session. Without your annual support, we could not offer the extensive programs that we do for our children in the community, which we know will make them life-long readers and learners.
Please join us again this year with your generous membership donations. Just fill out the attached form, cut it off, and either drop it off at the Library on Broad Street or mail it to Konkle Friends, 384 Broad St, Montoursville, PA 17754.
*We are always looking for volunteers to be a part of a great team helping with book sales and keeping our Basement Book Room organized. We have a full selection of hardcover and paperback books for all ages, DVD’s and Jigsaw Puzzles. Be sure to check us out.
*You can also support the friends by dropping off Books and DVD’s, adult and children’s (new and used) in support of the sales. Read or watch it once, and pass it on! Donations are accepted during business hours. Sorry, no medical, textbooks, books without covers or moldy oldies can be accepted. Check with the front desk if you have any questions on what can be donated.
Want to give a memorial or honor someone with a donation?
Download, print, and complete this form and mail to the Library with your gift.
Mission: Konkle Library’s mission is to enrich the community by providing a friendly environment for our patrons to learn, discover and enjoy.
For over 79 years, the W.B. Konkle Library of Montoursville, Pennsylvania has been a major source for library resources and educational opportunities for all levels of reading preparedness. Funding for Konkle Library enables residents’ access to books, DVD’s, newspapers, state and local history documentation, computer/internet access, tutoring space, children’s reading programs, etc.
The community library serves the borough of Montoursville, plus the townships of Fairfield, Upper Fairfield, Eldred, Gamble, Cascade, and Plunkett’s Creek. In 2020, the US Census Bureau reported the library district’s population to be 13,127 people.
According to school district officials the Montoursville Area School District provides basic educational services to 1,858 pupils, grades kindergarten to high school as of 2023.
The W.B. Konkle is a well-managed library, fiscally responsible with a compassionate team of employees and volunteers. Library employees comprise 1 full time and 8 part-time staff. The Board of Directors is comprised of 9 volunteers and the Friends of W.B. Konkle Library have 16 volunteers.
The library is housed in a 4800 square foot facility, utilizing three rooms (main, reading, & children’s). The library has about 3,000 registered users.
In order for our community to continue offering our residents the educational opportunities they need, we ask for your help.
Konkle Library Drive UP and Drop off and the “Fall into Reading” afternoon book sale announced
On Saturday, October 9, 2021 (9AM-1PM) the Friends of W. B. Memorial Konkle Library in Montoursville will be eagerly available for you to Drive UP and drop OFF your donations of gently used books, DVD’s, jigsaw Puzzles, music CD’s and audiobooks.
The Drive UP and Drop OFF will be from 9:00AM to 1:00PM at the Montoursville Konkle Library (side of the building) Broad Street, Montoursville.
Library used book sales are community-spirited events where library supporters can help benefit a great cause: libraries and literacy. Here’s an easy way to help your community Library.
This is to prepare for the Fall into Reading afternoon Book Sale, on October 15, 2021 (12PM-6PM).
If you can’t make our Saturday, drop off, you can donate your books anytime the library is open.
As active volunteers of the local Montoursville Library, the Friends of the Library have collected thousands of treasures to share at very reasonable prices, by the book or by the bag. An abundant selection of Children’s, Adult Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Large Print Books, Videos and Music CDs are available for sale.
This activity raises much needed funds to buy books, videos and other needed items for the Konkle Library and to support the Montoursville community. This fundraiser also provides huge financial support of the children’s reading programs hosted at the library all year long.
Donations of New and Used books & DVD’s in good condition will be accepted during these hours too.
For more information on the Konkle Library, please visit www.Konklelibrary.org